Before becoming a member of Single to Mingle, every individual’s profile go through our special approval process. “Mingle Managers” from Single to Mingle will manually review all the profiles with some proof. It’s not rocket science; it’s just taking our time to make sure the person checks out — just like any friend would do for another friend.
Since every single users all went through the verification system, everyone you’ll see on Single to Mingle are credible and safe. With this verification system, you can start enjoying ‘fun’ but ‘trustworthy’ dating:)
Additional way to keep you safe
Single to Mingle has another layer of protection. All the personal information will only be available to the matched person when a connection is made between the two users through a mutual “Heart” exchange process. You are in control of what you reveal, when you want to. What is Heart Process?
Ready to use the most safe and trustworthy platform to find love? Start using Single to Mingle right now!