15 worst date stories from Twitter that will make you laugh (and cry a little)

Feel like you’re the only one who has a lot of awkward first date stories? Read these funny worst first date stories from Twitter and you will feel much, much better.

1. The mama’s boy

2. The doubter

3. The hair-talker

4. The double-dater

5. The BMW-driver

6. The chef

7. The drive-through-er

8. The foodie

9. The hair-chopper

10. The observer

11. The time traveler

12. The soap-lover

13. The over-sharer

14. The monkey-whisperer

15. The pseudo-feminist

Then there’s this guy who is speaking for all of us:

If you are tired of meeting weird, sketchy people online, try Single to Mingle, a new kind of dating app that makes sure that they are who they say they are. Everyone has some awkward dating experiences, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on love! The one is out there; brush off your bad date stories and try, try again.




Believe in Destiny – Single to Mingle

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